My fabric creations connect me to the spectacular places and wildlife I have seen in my travels. I aim to give the animal kingdom a voice, by transforming white cotton into lifelike images through many hours of precise painting with dyes and thread. I am passionate about protecting earth’s creatures along with their habitats, and hope my work will inspire you to share my sense of urgency around this message.
My quilts have won awards at national and international quilt events including the (Canadian) National Juried Show, the American Quilters Association (Paducah, Charleston), the International Quilt Festival (Houston) and the Festival of Quilts (Birmingham). I am also a Juried Artist Member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA).
My textile art journey includes experiments with many different techniques before settling on my current technique of painting with dyes.
"Sanctuary?", 69"x74"
"Dear Humans . . ." won "Best of Show" at the 2024 Festival of Quilts, Europe's largest quilt show.
"Bad Boy of the Bluffs" won the Janome Award of Excellence at the 2024 Grand National Quilt Show. This is a biennial Canadian fibre art show. This year's theme was "Delights".
"Life in the Anthropocene" won "Best in Show" at the Canadian National Juried Show for 2023. You can see the winning quilts at NJS Award Winners 2023 - Canadian Quilters Association/Association Canadienne de la Courtepointe
"Dear Humans . . ." won the "Superior Threads Award for Thread Mastery", one of the six top prizes in the "judged show" of this international festival. You can see my interview about this quilt, with Bob Ruggiero, Quilts Inc's VP of Communications, at https://youtu.be/oF7-gMxMwds This quilt also won the "Visitors' Choice award at Quilt Canada in 2022.
"Monk Parakeets" has been juried into the 2022 "Birds in Art" exhibit at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, WI. It will be shown alongside bird-themed art in many different media.
"Sanctuary?" won the Sustainability Award of Excellence at the 2023 (Canadian) National Juried Show.